Hi I'm Anthea Naylor
Special Educator, Consultant, VSM Trainer, Lecturer at University of Melbourne and Doctoral student focusing on VSM with families.
I am passionate about the experience of opening up possibilities for our tricky kids and their families through Video Self Modelling. With qualifications in Education, Primary Teaching, Educational Research, and Special Education, along with hands on experience working with a diverse range of children, schools and organisations, I have experienced remarkable results using Video Self Modelling (VSM), as an effective evidence-based intervention for students with autism, Challenging behaviours, and disabilities.
Through sharing my experience and success stories, I have had the privilege of training over 50 schools and organisations within Australia, the UK and the USA, which has allowed me to expand my understanding of different school and organisational cultures.
Working closely with my mentor and world-leading Video Self Modelling researcher Dr. Tom Buggey, I have also been invited as a Key Note Speaker and Presenter in Australia, UK and the USA.
As Dr. Peter Dowrick says, "Video Self Modelling works beyond the child's capacity but NOT beyond their possibility."
Teaching a skill that is possible but they are not capable of yet through Video Self Modelling has driven my passion; to Educate, Consult, Train and Lecture in this subject matter and methodology.
My passion is seeing our tricky kids, their families and communities who were experiencing real difficulty come together to develop supportive, collaborative relationships that challenge one another to open up possibilities, come and learn Video Self Modelling, and see their children transform the basic behaviours we take for granted when other methods have had limited effect.
I now work with Schools, Communities, Professionals, Parents and of course those tricky kids through my VSM online courses, Workshops, Events and Speaking Engagements.
I am currently a Doctorate of Education candidate at the University of Melbourne. My research area is in building parent capacity through VSM for kids with complex behavioural and communication challenges.
What Is Video Self Modelling?
What Is Video Self Modelling?
Video Self Modelling (VSM) involves creating a short video using simple videoing and editing techniques. The video shows the subject performing a skill that is just out of reach for them, but potentially reachable. Through viewing this video the skill is rapidly learnt.
Video Self Modelling (VSM) is an emerging, evidence-based intervention. Research by Dr Peter Dowrick (University of Auckland) has shown that VSM can be a successful intervention in greater than 80% of cases with only 12 minutes of intervention time.
VSM Online Courses
Learn all the basics of making powerful Video Self Modelling Video’s
In each VSM course we will look at the history, theories, and research behind video Self Modelling and see real samples of true stories, learn about task analysis, storyboarding, video making, editing, and how to use Video Self Modelling to rapidly change behaviours.
VSM Workshops
Learn to implement a change in behaviour or assist in skill learning
VSM Workshops are designed for teachers, therapists and anyone living with or working with people with special needs, such as Autism, Down's Syndrome, intellectual disability or developmental delay; who want to learn to implement a change in behaviour or assist in skill learning. There is no limit on number of participants. Anthea will come to your venue.
Work privately with Anthea Naylor
We can work privately with you and your child within your home to develop a series of VSMs to assist your child reach milestones and achieve success. Issues such as communication, self regulation, toileting, participation in regular family life and routines, dressing, eating and play skills can be addressed with VSM. You can also learn this way to make VSMs yourself as issues arise. Please note, this option is for Melbourne Metropolitan people only.
INTERESTED? LET'S CHAT: naylor.anthea.j@gmail.com
The School of Video Self Modelling
Free Online
VSM Basics - Tutorials
To understand more about Video Self Modelling view the five free introduction videos by clicking this link.
Disability Service Coordinator/ Parent
Authentic and Enthusiastic
I cannot express the buzz around this place after yesterday. I had many, many staff say to me that it was the best professional development that had EVER attended, and this was some from very experienced and long-standing teachers – high praise indeed!
Feedback was resoundingly positive, in particular that it was our students that you were talking about; that you are an ‘on the ground’ special ed practitioner, and that it was delivered in a real way, authentically and enthusiastically. And as for the content – it was just SO EXCITING & INSPIRING!
Anne Martin
Former Principal - Suneden School South Australia
Passionate and Engaging
I have been extremely fortunate to have worked with Anthea Naylor in a classroom setting and have seen first-hand the remarkable results that she has achieved with her students using VSM . Through Anthea’s passion and belief that all people have the ability to learn, she has developed a highly successful teaching method that is incredibly engaging and user friendly for both staff and students.
Jo Davis
Disability Service Coordinator/ Parent
Creative & Efficient
It is wonderful when practice intersects with research and that is what is happening in Victoria Australia. Anthea Naylor is using self-modeling in creative and effective ways. The first is making videos of individual children performing slightly beyond their present levels. This is the classic form of VSM we usually see in research. A behavior is selected and the teachers, parents, and therapists decide on the way to capture footage to make it appear that children are acting in an advanced way (having them role play, imitate, or using "creative" editing). She's used it for language, socialization, and even physical challenges. Anthea also uses VSM for priming in her classroom. During transitions a short video is played of appropriate behavior and the activity in the next class making transitions go much more smoothly.
Tom Buggey
VSM Lead Researcher - Tennessee USA