VSM Super-Trouper Professionals

VSM Super-Trouper Professionals
About the Course
VSM Super-Trouper Professionals is a 5.5-hour course that runs once a term, online with three 1.5 hour sessions one week apart plus a 1 hour - 1:1 session with Anthea.
Who is this course for?
This course is for allied health and therapy professionals, support workers, or tutors who want to join my team of recommended professionals to work directly with families making VSM’s. I do not have the time or capacity to work directly with all the families that ask me, so I am building a team of skilled professionals I can confidently recommend to deliver quality VSM services through NDIS or privately.
VSM Intervention Skillset
You will learn all the basics of making powerful VSM’s. We will look at the history, the theories, and research behind it, see real samples of true stories, learn about task analysis, storyboarding, video making, editing, and how to use Video Self Modelling to rapidly change behaviours. This course also includes the content of the VSM Easy-Peasy Basics course.
Additionally, you will also learn about complex behaviours, how to work with the functional cause of the behaviour, data collection, and evidence-based practices beyond Video Self Modelling. This work is grounded in Behaviourist theory and has been successful with complex communication, sensory, and emotional regulation behaviours.
Because you believe that your work can make a real difference. Perhaps you work with tricky kids and are looking for new ways, have heard of Video Self Modellings possibility and want to be able to bring it to your kids through your modality. VSM is used by speech pathologists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, and support workers.
What's expected of you
There are 3 elements to this course that need to be completed in order to join my endorsed professional team via the VSM Professional Registry on my website.
Attend all three online weekly sessions.
Case study. Create a VSM for a real client, using data and behaviour analysis tools from the course. Implement the VSM intervention and measure progress.
Attend a one hour 1:1 session with Anthea to present your case study and demonstrate your deep understanding of the principles of behaviour modification, learning and VSM interventions.
VSM Professional Registry
Successfully completing VSM Super-Trouper Training allows you to be added to my registry of endorsed professionals. This is where parents go looking for Allied Health and Support workers with thorough training in VSM interventions. This is a multi-modal, global registry where you can be identified as a trained professional VSM practitioner.
To maintain your Professional Registry status – at the end of each 12 month period, you will be required to fulfill on: a 1:1 Mentoring Session with Anthea where you will present a new case study for sign-off and you will renew your VSM Club membership valued at $199.00 yearly.
The course price is $490 and TAX DEDUCTIBLE for professionals.
Who’s a Tricky Child?
Your child either goes to a Special School or needs significant support at their school to learn.
You have an NDIS plan or require supported care?
Perhaps they have Autism, an ID, significant communication, behavioural or sensory needs that really make life hard sometimes.
What can I use VSM to teach?
I have seen VSM teach skills from sleeping, toileting, self-care, social skills, getting dressed, communicating, use AAC, eating different food, sitting at the table, play skills, sharing, waiting, asking for help, speaking, walking, ride a bike, cook, have a shower, brush their teeth, feed themselves.
And this is just the beginning!
Is it safe?
Video Self Modelling is an evidence-based practice which means there is loads of research to show that it works and it’s safe.
It’s used in many schools and teachers at university now learn how to do it. Many OTs and Speech therapists use it too.
And now it’s your turn to learn VSM too.
For more information contact me: naylor.anthea.j@gmail.com
To receive confirmation of the next course dates once scheduled, Join My Waitlist.