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VSM Story To Fill Your Heart

Dear VSM Friends,


I am a bit excited this afternoon because I am about to go into the city to celebrate my brother, David Naylor’s 10th year of running Guru Dudu Silent Discos.

My brother had this crazy idea 10 years ago and began running joyful, playful events where people gather, dance and groove through the city streets together. Here is a link if you want to see what I mean. It’s SO much fun.


I love this because he stuck with it. He had a dream and a great idea and kept going. He now runs discos throughout Australia and Europe. Amazing.


VSM Story To Fill Your Heart.


This lovely story comes from a mum who made a VSM for her 12 year old, mostly non-verbal son with autism and his grandparents. Joel deeply loved his grandparents but he could not contain his love and so when he saw them he grabbed their precious faces, accidently bruising and scratching them. Of course his grandparents became reluctant to get too close to him. 


Joel’s mum made a VSM.


In the video Joel stops just before his grandparents, smiles and waves Hi, then we see his grandparents smiling and waving Hi back at him.


The result is just so beautiful. 


Joel loved watching the video and immediately stopped the grabbing behaviour, waved at his grandparents, and ACTUALLY started saying HI… do you remember I said he is essentially non-verbal. Joel is now consistently saying the word HI when he greets people and Nana and Pa feel safe to get in close with their precious grandson.


How you can do this too..


VSM EASY-PEASY - Professionals Training


VSM Easy-Peasy will be running this term on March 28th and April 4th. This is a 2 part training with each session running from 3.30pm- 5pm. Recordings will be available to those who can’t make it live. In this training you will learn about -


  • VSM History and Research

  • VSM true stories of amazing rapid learning from my own teaching experiences

  • Ways to work with tricky behaviour including, toileting, communication challenges, personal space, self-harm, living skills and so much more…

  • Rules of VSM and how to plan a video 

  • Using editing apps to create VSMs on your phone or iPad.


I promise you that by the end of the training you WILL be able to make VSM’s yourself, AND you will feel inspired with HOPE to bring amazing change to the life of your Tricky Friend in your classroom or client list.



Parents and VSM.


VSM@HOME Online Course For Parents


This fabulous little course is only $59 at the moment. You can use NDIS to pay for it and if you need more support, come along to our FREE sessions every 2 weeks or sign up for some 1:1  Parenting Coaching sessions with me.




Much love and Hope for more HAPPY Grandparents and children.






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